IBM Bluemix MobileFirst Services Starter for Cordova Tutorial 教學

Create an account on
Search the template: MobileFirst Services Starter, and create it.
螢幕快照 2016-06-04 11.22.21

After that, download the source code from

Before installing Cordova, you will require node.js which is downloaded from

If you do not have Cordova installed, then type

npm install -g cordova

Update Cordova

sudo npm update -g cordova

Go to the directory of source code, add cordova platform

cordova platform add android
cordova platform add ios

Install the IBM Bluemix plugin
cordova plugin add ibm-mfp-core

Go to /project-dir/www/js/index.js, paste your route & GUID
route: https://your-proj-name/
GUID: can be found in the first line of Cloud Foundry’s log in the panel

route: ""
GUID: ""

Open xcodeproj in /project-dir/platform/ios/
If it prompts to update latest swift version, cancel it.
Go to build settings tab and edit Objective-C Bridging Header
Find Runpath search Path, and add

Build Cordova
cordova build
Then run
cordova run android

Run iOS platform on Xcode

Cloud Foundry

Install CF CLI from

Install Bluemix CLI from

If this error occurs

panic: Config error: open config.json: permission denied


sudo chmod -R 777 ~/.cf

If this error occurs

panic: no supported languages found []string{“zh_TW.UTF-8”}

go to ~/.cf/config.json

set “Local” : “zh-Hant”

Download your project source code

螢幕快照 2016-06-04 12.11.58

go to /proj-dir , type

bluemix login -a

push your project

cf your-project-name

Now you are ready to build your own project.